
I hate Christmas parties.
Since my elementary days, I have come to loathe the overbearing process of having an overly insensitive quasi celebration of a religious holiday. It doesn’t even have the slightest sense that “Christ” who is the main reason for the celebration was there
Call me a twerp or whatever but the whole point of preparing for a dance number or sweating out a highly mediocre presentation is for me, utterly senseless.
Like in my new job, my coworkers prepared this elaborate “Phantom of the Opera” themed production for a week. The maximum time my eyes have to endure watching it is more or less five minutes—F-I-V-E freakin’ minutes. After the clapping of the hands liken to a deranged sea lion and the voices and cheers died down---then what—NOTHING! No lasting significance but a blimp of catatonic moment wrapped in semi-unconscious drudgery.
OK, ok, ok! I know some of you will spit vitriol at me for being the big Grinch of this so called Yuletide Season but until I will see a single meaning of this boisterous celebration, of a festivity devoid of significance because of its overwhelming commercialism…then I will just sit in the corner wondering if I added fabric conditioner to my laundry.
I'm with you Jef. The Christmas party at my office this year is a casino. Ya...a casino...Lord help us. I MUST attend as these functions are "mandatory" Its not a good career move to shun the boss and the fellow wokers. So I grin and bear it.....sick to my tummy....and I WILL NOT GAMBLE! I will smile and have fellowship with my fellow workers. Perhaps I can tell one or some of them about the true meaning of Christmas.
" Like a poor player who struts and frets his hour upon the stage then is heard no more.....A tail told by an Ideot full of sound and furry signifying nothing" Maybee Shakespear is relivent. I am with you. The more we try to get out of the whole Christmas party thing, the worse it seems to get. Whithout Christ, it's nothing but a Tail told by a bunch of Ideots!
Sometimes, people do miss the true essence of things that is why they resort to superficial ways of making things appear more special than they actually regard it to be. I think that's part of human nature. And you being annoyed is perfectly understandable.
Yuletide season stirs a lot of different things in people--both positive and negative ones. Yet, I'd like to believe that if one fully realizes the true meaning of things, it doesn't matter what external entities and circumstances are there.
Chill, enjoy the season. After all, it only comes once a year. Just focus on your spirituality and I think you'll be fine.
Have a meaningful Yuletide!
Every year we make our Christmas celebrations at work as simple as Christ Himself. A special Party and gifts giving for the "kids" of employees and another at work lunch for all employees with available food for all employees of different cultures and religions. That even our muslims and jewish and co-workers of all religions enjoy ..
hahaha yang mga sayaw2 na yan, nakakatrauma talaga. and i won't even dare na sasayaw kahit it'd cost my job. eh di parang pinahiya na din yung sarili di ba?
Well Vic, as much as I can appreciate your heart, But this is the very reason that Christmas is becoming a wash."That even our muslims and jewish and co-workers of all religions enjoy .. " Do you think that if we were truly taking this time to celebrate the birth of a Rison Savior, the Son of the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords, The only true God, that your Multi faith friends would want to join in ? Maybe you could all join don at the casino.
Well the best Christmas I ever had was being alone.... alone with Him. The reason why we celebrate this day is Him. His birth. The birth of a new life.
Commercialism. We are so caught up by the shopping and lights and brights and jingles and what have you that we forget to acknowledge what Christmas is...
oh no! then i think you shouldn't visit my blog for a while. it's about a little christmas party. hehe
as long as we know the real reason for having Chirstmas (Christ was born to save us) then it we should have more reason to celebrate it.