Monday, May 29, 2006


There was something in a country life that fascinates me, not only because I was raised there, but it’s as if time and space conspired to make each moment last a little bit longer

These are the snippets that keep on entering my mind when my heart feels low and life stands still:

  • The smell of freshly cut rice stalks when harvest comes. Unbelievable! Nothing like a pure and natural scent that comes from the bosom of the earth.
  • The first rain during May. When the earth is thirsty and craving for moisture as the drops form little puddles.
  • Dainty street flowers that is waiting to be plucked by the small hands of a wandering child
  • Exploding colors of sunrise and sunset. The sky looks like a big canvas of moving hues from mauve to bright yellow.
  • Cauliflower clouds that drift slowly during summer.
  • Breeze that swept your hair as you drove your bicycle on a nearby farm.
  • The sweet melodic choir of the birds as they settle during dusk.
  • The clear stream that runs freely between your toes.
  • Majestic mountains that tower our valley as if guarding us from the influence of the outside.
  • Friends and people. It’s hard to find quality people in the city. When country folks smile, you will sense that it’s a smile that speaks of a pure intention
  • Clear and absolutely striking nights, when the sky is filled with shimmering stars that expands from horizon to horizon
  • Food that was not embellished with insecticides
  • Carefree walks across a grassy clearing
  • Smell of cow dung
  • The sweeping scent of a two day old hay

Why am I writing these…well, I’m going home for three days and it’s good to reminisce these treasured memories. I can’t wait to experience them all over again. Funny to think that living in the steel jungle for more than three years now seems a shallow endeavor as compare to the rich and flavorful experience derived from the backdrop of mother nature.

Ciao for now!

Sunday, May 28, 2006

confused and diffused

These past few days had been one of those struggling moments that you wish you can just evaporate and cease to exist—figuratively of course.

  1. It started when my batch mate all passed the CPA board this month and they were quite disappointed that I gave up easily. I was pondering this for a while and I was quite depressed that I haven’t got the “I will never QUIT” attitude and I let this goal slide within my fingers. Maybe they were right that I easily forego dreams that I worked hard before…sure, it didn’t go as I wanted it but I am nearing the triumph if I have the will to fight.
  2. My current job is not exactly the way it was before. We all suffered because of the inefficiencies of the current management and we, the receiving end are being squeezed to justify their slipshod. The work I can tolerate but the people…hmmm, that is another story.
  3. My prospect company is still on the hiring stage (I suppose) and the process of waiting if I will be considered left me a feeling of inadequacy.

Well, lots of things to rant about but I know deep down that there is something to look forward to. I’m just impatient to wait and too lazy to put pressure to myself and do better. I guess I’m growing up and still figuring out the real me.

Come to think of it, these problems are way down the bottom of the “problem ladder” in comparison to the insurmountable difficulties of other people. Case in point, the quake in my neighboring country Indonesia, from which it claimed 3000+ people to date.

In light of eternity, philosophically speaking, these material successes (finding the right job and having material security) are really speck of fog—miniscule and insignificant. I don’t think that the victims of Indonesia quake are thinking about climbing the corporate ladder or being bothered by petty details that most of us are focusing intently in our every day lives.

On the other hand, were still living in this world and being successful and having that material security is something to look forward to; this is the goal imprinted in our heads to continue pressing forward. If we are being contented with our current situation –the status quo, then we might overlook our potential and be complacent to be satisfied with the mediocre.

I don’t know…in reality, to be spiritually balanced in this imbalance world is a feat in itself.

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Gian Marco

This is my newborn nephew, Gian Marco.

When holding a child in your arms, you can't deny the existence of a Higher Being. It is a miracle in itself. Looking through his eyes reminds me that there is hope and there are a brighter days ahead. Such innocence and utter willingness is nonetheless came from the source of life--God.

Welcome to our world GM!

Saturday, May 13, 2006


You’ve nurtured me from within and gave me life

You’ve helped me see the world in a new light

You were there during my first steps , my first laugh, my first cry, my first smile

You light up my world when I’m lost

You showed the right path when the two roads cross

You are the open arms and the willing shoulder

You are the warmest smile and the tightest hug

You are the gentle fingers and the caressing hands

You are the loveliest smile and the brightest eyes

But most of all, you are my heart from my deepest soul

I love you Mom!

Happy Mother’s Day

Saturday, May 06, 2006


I have already rendered my three hours of mandatory overtime and yet my boss still has the nerve to question my work ethics.

Time 8:00 PM

Me: Sir. I’m passing my productivity report …

Him: You’re going home? It’s not yet 9… it’s too early

Me: I’ve already rendered an early OT this morning and…

Him: Did I authorize that? You must know the consequences of your actions, we’re losing a client!

And he stared at me with searing look.

Whaaat! Here I am, breaking my back to meet whatever demands our client needs and I am still questioned about my work. What does he want; spend all my waking hours to work. The funny and infuriating part is, I am the most productive (modesty aside) because when I work, I work hard without the dillydally of chat/gossip or horsing around to occupy my time (and my productivity report can vouch my claim). I keep my focus and do the best of my ability. I am satisfied going home from the office every night knowing that my work commensurate with the compensation I received every payday.

I’m angry because he is looking on face value, i.e. amount of time consumed not the productivity that comes along. What’s the point of staying the whole 24 hours and yet the production is just a mediocre output.


Thursday, May 04, 2006

...of lasting mark

Yesterday, I went to a prospect company and filed my application and CV. I need every ounce of prayers from you guys that I will be considered for the position. I’m keeping my fingers crossed, hoping that I can ace whatever examinations or interviews I will face.


As I was watching a news program yesterday, a segment focused on a man who has a disease- stricken wife and a mentally challenged daughter. It unravels his personal story of battle to sustain their everyday necessity much less to cope up with his sick family. It made me wonder how life can be so unfair sometimes…that those who have none have so much suffering and pain to endure. Those who are barely scratching their everyday existence are sometimes drowned with ailments and diseases. While the rest of us are consumed with trifling or insignificant problems, problems that don’t even count because of its triviality, thousands upon thousands have only hope to hold on to…hope that sustains their very fiber of conviction that this “challenges” shall pass…but apparently it does not. I feel guilty sometimes that I have to complain every morning that things are not going my own way and yet my eyes are closed to the plight of those who are searching for the light of significance, that their existence matters. I guess I am on that journey of self-discovery that the truly significant legacy I could pass on as a lasting mark is the mark that can be found on the hearts of those I have helped… even how minute the case maybe.

We pray for those who are weary…but looking on hindsight, we are the prayers!

Monday, May 01, 2006

Young Diva

A talent show in the Philippines produced this gal with a voice of a thousand mornings. From the first time I heard her sing...whoooh! Too bad, she only placed 3rd at the Finals, which is shown here. With a voice like this, I know she will go places. Did I mention that she's just 13!


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